Monday, December 27, 2010

Best 5 Vaults from 2010

McKayla Maroney’s Amanar in US Junior Nationals Day 2

Hands down the best vault of the year, and probably the best Amanar ever done. Rumor has it that she is training for the Cheng & triple twisting Yurchenko . If anyone can pull off a TTY, she should be one of them. Cant wait for her to become a senior.

Vanessa Zamarripa’s Cheng in 2010 US Nationals day 1

Beautifully performed Cheng, with nice forms. That stuck landing made the one of hardest vault look so easy. I don’t even remember Cheng Fei had stuck on this Vault. As all her other stuck landing on DTY in NCAA competitions, she slightly bend her knees. But she is one of best vaulters in the states, Good luck on her rehab on injury. Hope she can come back to elite sometime soon.

Alyia Mustafina Amanar in Russian Nationals(Sep.)

Mustafina is the gymnast of the year. This Amanar was the best she ever done, with such a solid landing. Legs crossing and separation have always been an issue for her vault. I give her the benefit of doubt for being tall and long legged, but there are definitely rooms for improvement in her forms.

Alicia Sacramone’s DTY in Worlds Prelims

Sacramone finally won her worlds title on Vault, amidst controversy - as if gymnastics ever lack of controversial. She is known for her power and distance on her vault, but never her good landings. The DTY she did in the worlds prelims was one rare occasion Alica ever stuck on vault. BTW, what really impressed me was her save on the front pike in worlds TF BB. As Aunt Joyce put it “bi’ch really has steel nerves”.

Mattie Larson’s DTY in Worlds Prelims

Personally, I think this was the best vault done in 2010 worlds. Nowadays, gymnasts are training for the harder vaults, but I’d rather see a well performed DTY than a Amanar with sloppy forms.

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